Kins (2)

The impact was quite strong.

Xuwen and Xiaowen lost the hold on their chopsticks, two elder brothers stopped eating, the worst happened with Xao, the morsel stuck in his throat that he was chewing before and he began violent hiccups. 

Her uncle remained silent. 

Her father looked at her, it took her few breaths to understand his looks. 

"Uncle, haha, I was only jesting, tell me did it stir the horror? When I was small, I read some ninja stories, did you also read?" She chuckled to lighten the catastrophe the listeners suffered just now. 

"Oh, it was little unbelievable too, now I understand but try not to speak such horrible jesting in front of small girls with fragile hearts, haha," he could see his daughters were terrified. 

Now he was lively again. 

Henan thought to be careful in the future. 

"Aunt Wenwen, I enjoyed every dish, how did you make such tasty food?" Henan wrapped her arms around her aunt.