It's Been Six Months/"I Should Bring Back Henan"

Xing was sitting in his camp.

He was wearing his usual light armor attire. 

He was somewhat sad, and missing the lively smiles of his daughter, how many days been that he did not see her. 

He intentionally did not visit Huangshan Mountain because learning martial arts need concentration and focus and if he went to visit her, she would be distracted. 

He stood up and decided to go and see his daughter, moreover, the six months practice was ending soon. 

He released some orders to the border chief and rode on his horse like a wind. 

All the soldiers and chiefs were stunned, what made usually composed General this impatient. 

He first intended to go in his mansion and arrange a comfortable carriage for his daughter because the journey was of one week. 

In The Mansion

Wei Lan was counting these six months on her fingers, she was missing the Noble girl.