Why Did She Feel She Was Disappointing

How was he going to start now that they were in this situation?

"It's so late already—why are you using the computer and not sleeping?" He chided in a low tone.

Changqing somehow felt that it seemed as though they had returned to the state they were in not long ago. He was also fierce from time to time but she was enjoying it a lot now.

She laughed secretly for a while and suddenly froze. Was that it—could she have become masochistic?

That wouldn't do; that was too despicable.

She quickly straightened her back and said, "I have something to do. Quick, tell me."

Song Chuyi coughed softly and said, "s-o-n-g-c-h-u-c-h-u-i-m-i-s-s-y-o-u."

Changqing typed it in seriously and after keying it in, she suddenly felt something was amiss and said again, "Say it again. I think I got it wrong."

Song Chuyi closed his eyes and could only resign to his fate and repeat it.