Don’t You Get Jealous of Your Daddy

The inspired scheme had not succeeded on Fu Sichen. On the contrary, it had backfired on Pei Zhen, and he regretted it to no end.

Pei Zhen almost died during the injection.

The vet felt obligated to dispense medicine to please Fu Sichen and did so. With the episode finally over, the doctors were relieved and quickly went back to their work.

People were of different classes in society, and so were cats.

At least, the assumption was that most pets would want to be Fu Sichen's cat.

That sort of owner was especially great!

"Everything's fine now." Pei Zhen laid there, spent. His eyes were still damp with tears. Fu Sichen looked at him and couldn't help but smile. "How uncanny."

There was a young man in his memory who was also terrified of injections.

Furthermore, the youth could come up with dozens of different excuses to get out of injections—an allergy to penicillin, an inauspicious date on the traditional Chinese calendar, etc.