An Amazing Dog and Cat Fight

There was a reason Lin Yousu brought the Husky.

Since Fu Sichen and his cat were causing her grief, she wanted to bring a dog to scare the Persian cat.

Lin Yousu was not familiar with dogs, but she knew that many young fans liked huskies.

She wanted to grow her fan base through the variety show and hence went along with what was popular with the masses.

However, she found out through that experience that huskies were cute, but that they were also quite unintelligent. Furthermore, they tended to have destructive behaviors!

But the show recording was taking place soon, and Lin Yousu wasn't in the mood to make any changes. Anyway, her Husky was a pedigree, and she spent quite a fortune to acquire it.

Since the job of the dog was simply to scare the Persian cat, it didn't matter what type of dog it was.