Yes, Big Brother. I Will Do as You Say, Big Brother!

Pei Zhen felt that Fu Sichen must hate him immensely, such that he would keep taking advantage of him.

There was one other thing that Pei Zhen thought was puzzling—ignoring the fact that his sworn enemy kept calling him 'Son', there was also the fact that he became 'Daddy'.

It was so gay, for some reason, that two grown men became a cat's parents.

The more Pei Zhen thought about it, the more unsettled he felt. Being embraced by Fu Si Chen, he was uncomfortable and struggled to get away.

"Quiet." Fu Sichen took a cluster of lychees with one hand, and the cat in the other. With the one hand, he performed the difficult task of trying to shell the lychee. "Want some?"

His cat never liked cat food and ate like a human. Because of this, Fu Sichen was not at all surprised that the cat would eat lychees.