My Precious One, Are You in Love with Me Yet

Following the discovery of the Seven Wonders of The World, the eighth discovery was soon to come.

The Condor Heroes came out of hiding!

The avatar for 'Yang Guo' was familiar; it was a picture of Pei Zhen's mother! It also carried a sense of unfamiliarity though, because of his infrequent contact with her.

The video call ringtone sounded and seemed to go on forever in the confines of the bedroom. Pei Zhen wasn't sure if it was just his imagination, but he felt it was ringing a little too loudly.

What now?

Made nervous by the sudden situation, Pei Zhen forgot that he could lower the ringtone volume, and hit the 'disconnect' button with his trembling paw instead.

Not only did Pei Zhen disconnect the video call, he felt compelled to switch off the mobile phone.

Even then, 'Yang Guo' had other ways of contacting him.

Outside the bedroom, Fu Sichen's mobile phone starting ringing.