The Hired Cat Turned out to Be a Dumb One

The standard of living had gone up, and most of the more well-off liked to keep cats or dogs as pets.

Perhaps because of that, incidents of irresponsible pet ownership were on the rise.

Many people owned pets as a matter of passing interest. They found the little animals cute, but they also found it inconvenient and bothersome when it came to caring for them.

That was the case with Liu Ou's family.

When his relative's dog gave birth, the puppies were tiny, soft, and so cute they stole your heart. Inspired to keep a pet dog, Liu Ou 'reserved' a puppy.


After the dog had stayed with her a few months, she put him on a leash and took him for a walk around the estate. When people asked, "What sort of dog is this?" The words' pastoral dog' would tumble around in her mouth but not find their way out.

"Why would one keep a pastoral dog; at least keep a Golden Retriever."