Fu Sichen! You're Being Poisoned!

What was the name of the little dog?

Fu Sichen tried hard to recall—it was something like Big Brother Chen?

Little Brat Pei was a naughty child, even in naming a dog he had to insult other people. Of course, Fu Sichen was on the top of his list of people to get even with.

But Fu Sichen didn't get upset.

In his heart, he even had a little secret wish, that Big Brother Chen would live for a long time.

Except Big Brother Chen didn't have it good in life. A short while after being adopted by Pei Zhen, he fell sick and died.

On the day he died, Little Brat Pei's eyes were red all day.

Fu Sichen stood up and walked towards the pastoral dog, giving the Persian cat a gentle rub. With a smile, he said, "He'll be okay."

Pei Zhen was stunned. He looked up at Fu Sichen, and for an unknown reason, his heart skipped a beat.

Unsure if it was his imagination, Pei Zhen had the nagging feeling that Fu Sichen discovered something.