It Was Already Day Three of Being Away from Pei Zhen

Fu Sichen made the headlines again.

The reason was that someone had leaked the news that he allowed his cat to run amok. To prove the authenticity of the news, the person even posted a picture of the injury.

"This is the evidence! His cat caused my injury. Not only that, Fu Sichen is a coward and has denied responsibility."

Most people treated that sort of news like a novel, especially considering there had been a few other stories related to the Persian cat. However, negative news had proven to eventually make a u-turn and turn out to be exceptionally positive.

Fans would be fans; as for evil fans, they had been battered into resignation a long time ago. And in the most recent case, they felt that it was one of those people intending to mislead them into being battered again.

"I know, it goes without saying, it's definitely the Persian cat doing its heroic act to get rid of evil."