What About Caring for This Higher Being Before You?

"There had been an accident in the city center recently. Fortunately, no one was hurt. It was a pastoral dog that saved his owner's life…"

In the picture, the thin pastoral dog was lying in a pool of blood helplessly. It whimpered and then weakly shut its eyes for the last time. The pastoral dog's owner was shocked speechless, and then started crying.

No one could have predicted the ending.

Even if the dog's owner finally understood the fact that there were no class differences among dogs, so what? The dog had lost its life and was gone forever.

How regretful.

"Let's stop watching this." Fu Sichen took over the remote control and turned off the television, sighing as he looked at the unhappy Persian cat. "At least during the few days that he was safe with us, he was happy."

In the pastoral dog's short life, he'd been through many ups and downs. Everything about him was good except his luck.