Have No Fear, I've Got Your Back

It was only then, when Xiao Nian highlighted it, that Pei Zhen realized he had used Fu Sichen's VIP account to post the 'Likes'.

It had already been explosive news on Weibo, and it was news that rocked half the entertainment circle.

Pei Zhen's heart dropped, and he turned to look at Fu Sichen.

As he did so, their eyes met. Fu Sichen's eyes were deep and dark; they were like magnets drawing him in.

It was as though Fu Sichen's eyes had always been on Pei Zhen, and furthermore, even when Pei Zhen had realized it, there was not a sign of embarrassment on Fu Sichen's end. The latter didn't look away and maintained his gaze on Pei Zhen.

Pei Zhen felt his face burning.

With much difficulty, Pei Zhen diverted his gaze. But when he did, he regretted the show of weakness and angrily looked at Fu Sichen again.

Oh, and with such boldness.