Fu Sichen, Best Actor Fu

The reporters had once again been ditched and left behind.

The mini-van took off and left a pile of dust that choked those in its trail.

"Tsk. These people." Looking in the rear mirror, Xiao Nian saw the flustered and exasperated reporters, and couldn't help but laughed aloud. "That's Pei Pei for you. He's still hot after having disappeared for half a month."

Hmmph. Pei Zhen gave the standard reaction. The moment he got into the car, he slumped in his seat again and nestled as though he didn't have a bone in his body.

"I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when we arrive."

Xiao Nian was speechless.

As Xiao Nian looked at Pei Zhen falling asleep, he suddenly had the vision of the white Persian cat.

But come to think of it, it was quite amazing.

Pei Zhen had always loved to sleep.