Two Men, Isn't It Provocative?

When it came to Pei Zhen, Fu Sichen had no shame.

There was no limit to his shamelessness.

Pei Zhen walked towards the restroom with Fu Sichen following close behind. The latter's insistence made Pei Zhen roll his eyes.

"You find it meaningful following me like this?"

"Yes." Fu Sichen blinked, turning his lips up into a slight smile. "No matter what Pei Pei does I'd find it adorable."

Pei Zhen, who needed to empty his bladder, was speechless. Was there something wrong with Fu Sichen?!

Not able to ignore Fu Sichen any further, Pei Zhen pivoted around to change his direction. However, Fu Sichen blocked him and pushed him into the restroom.

"Controlling your bladder is not good for your health, or are you waiting for me to help hold you as you pee?"

It appeared that Fu Sichen had a special interest in the topic. Before Pei Zhen could say anything more, Best Actor Fu's gaze on Pei Zhen was easing downwards.

Trouble was brewing.