His Heart Warmed

The Persian cat was round like a ball. It looked a little too well-fed, it was almost fat.

Pei Zhen was quite pleased to see it, but when the Persian cat walked up towards him for a kiss, he lightly swiped its face away.

Regretfully, the cat reminded Pei Zhen of the time that his soul occupied its body. If he were to kiss the cat, it would feel too much like kissing himself—it was weird and embarrassing.

The Persian cat meowed.

Its meow was truly helpless and weak.

"Keke." Pei Zhen laughed and changed the topic. "Are you hungry? Want some cat food?"

Now that the Persian cat was just a cat, it wasn't too fussy. It didn't eat human food and didn't jump onto the dining table. The moment Pei Zhen said 'cat food', its eyes shone and it looked at Pei Zhen happily.

Finally, the cat food that Fu Sichen bought previously went to good use.

Having lived in the serviced apartment for some time, Pei Zhen was familiar with where things were.