Embarrassment, Because He Was the One Being Embraced

All Xiao Nian got in return for his good intentions when he shared the mysterious file, was a good dressing down. From his character to the national agenda, and even the higher order of human thinking—he was reprimanded on all aspects.

He looked completely idiotic.

Xiao Nian: [Daddy, I am only fighting for the propagation of the human race!]

Sorry, Daddy will never be able to propagate.

There was no way he could get through to the straight man. Pei Zhen was emotionally exhausted and shut off his mobile. Tossing the phone aside, he knitted his brows and started to ponder.

Gay relationships existed in the entertainment circle, Pei Zhen had more or less heard scandals about such men in the past.

Apparently, it was painful to be the bottom party. Especially if the top party lacked skills, it would hurt the bottom party.

Pei Zhen was distraught. He was such a kind person that he would hesitate to hurt Best Actor Fu.
