Late Night Date

Xiao Nian was furious.

In a flash, his Daddy Pei had disappeared from the banquet event. He had questioned the hotel staff, and they said someone had paid the bill.

But so what if that was the case!?

"Pei Zhen! Where on earth are you! You're lazy and slack, and you just can't be bothered!"

Xiao Nian called the missing Pei Zhen on the phone, sounding furious. Only, he hadn't expected that the call made Fu Sichen even more furious.

The moment the line got through, and before Pei Zhen could even say a word, Fu Sichen had interrupted with a very icy, "Go away". It gave Xiao Nian, who was on the other end of the line, a fright. Pei Zhen too was scared stiff.

Afraid that Xiao Nian would hang up, Pei Zhen immediately said, "Okay, Mr. Xiao, please don't be angry. I'll come back right away."

Xiao Nian couldn't believe what he was hearing.