Waking up to My Own Good Looks Every Morning

Would they even take it seriously?

Although the scandal had spread widely, Pei Zhen's parents only dismissed it with a laugh and didn't take it to heart.

"The two of you?" Pei Zhen's father laughed heartily into the phone. "If you were really together, then our Pei Pei would definitely be the bottom party."

He was indeed Xiao Longnu; he knew Pei Zhen so well!

Pei Zhen's father had taken the accurate headlines to be a scandal and had ridiculed it at length, confident that his son Pei Pei was the straightest man in the universe. Never did he expect that the words that he was saying would be a slap to his own face in the future.

Of course, that would be in hindsight.

Having given the order for the two men to be home for dinner, Pei Zhen's father hung up the phone.

Fu Sichen's emotions ran deep, and they were impossible for others to decipher. He ran his hand up and down the sides of his mobile phone, looking deep in thought.