He Wanted to Top Me, Good My Ass

As his parents were on a noble mission, Pei Zhen wouldn't complain even if he didn't feel happy.

Only, the strong front that he put up crumbled quickly. The moment he saw those embracing arms, he let go of his vulnerabilities.


In the end, emotion choked him up to the point that no other words came. His father had also come out of the house by then. His eyes inevitably turned red when he saw the mother and son hugging each other.

"Alright, alright." Pei Zhen's father took a deep breath and laughed, saying, "Let's not stand outside the house like a bunch of fools, dinner's getting cold."

His eyes glistening with tears, Pei Zhen asked, "What dinner?"

"Your mum's cooking!" Pei Zhen's father said enthusiastically.

A moment of silence.