Boyfriend, Do You Want to Come Out?

The forbidden.

The boldness.

Only a thin wall separated the two men and Pei Zhen's parents.

Pei Zhen didn't dare to imagine what would happen if his parents found out.

"You… you…" His breathing had become shallow and quick, and he stifled the moaning that was trying to find its way out of his throat. Pei Zhen sank his teeth into Fu Sichen's shoulder. "You rascal!"

When Mummy Pei called out that it was mealtime, her son and god-son were both late.

Looking at their wet hair, she asked quizzically, "You took a shower?"

Pei Zhen half-grunted an affirmative, his face still carrying a hint of blush.

Although, his mother didn't notice it.

Pei Zhen's mother couldn't help but nag, saying, "I know you young people like cleanliness, but you shouldn't be showering every day. Look at your father; he doesn't even shower after his morning exercise."