It's Unlikely That I Can Be the Top Party

Fu Sichen's words were sweet to hear, but they made no impact on Pei Zhen.

He didn't want headlines such as 'Best Actor and Best Actor candidate in challenging kissing pose', 'Best Actor Fu and Number Two Man Pei fallen… from balcony', 'You're the wind, and I'm the sand, gay lovers jumped from balcony'.

It would look really idiotic.

And not the least bit romantic.

"Mum, look!" Before Pei Zhen could push Fu Sichen away, a child's voice suddenly came from the little side street below. "That big brother and the other big brother are kissing!"

Damn it!

Pei Zhen's heart missed a beat, and his teeth knocked against Fu Sichen's lip. He couldn't think of how to react to the passersby. Then a woman's voice was heard speaking.

"Stop looking. They… they're just playing a game."

"Oh? Really? In that case, can I play the same game with Xiao Fang?"

Fu Sichen said nothing.