What Grievances Do You Have That You Would Hurt My Daddy Pei!

Fu Sichen's culinary skills were quite peerless.

Not that Fu Sichen made a show of it usually. Most people just assumed that he led a pampered life.

"A gift?" Now the show host was curious and probed further, asking, "For whom?"

Although she had asked it aloud, the show host believed that Fu Sichen would decline to answer. The show host had even thought of a response to that likely scenario.

"For your fan? Ahhh… Best Actor Fu indeed, it's no wonder you're so popular."

Alas, before the host even had her line ready for delivery, Fu Sichen said in his deep and attractive voice, "It's for Pei Zhen."

The show host happened to be Pei Zhen's die-hard fan. She paused when she heard Fu Sichen's answer, and blurted out without thinking, "What grievances do you have that you would hurt my Daddy Pei!"