I Like You

To multiply for the sake of the human race?

In other words, bedroom activities!

Pei Zhen came out of his daze immediately. Pushing Fu Sichen away and pulling up his blanket, he wrapped himself up tightly. "Don't come near me, or you'll be infected!"

Fu Sichen tried not to roll his eyes.

Fu Sichen was annoyed as hell. Great, why didn't Pei Zhen worry about infecting him when he was fooling around and teasing him earlier on? But the moment matters hinted at the topic of sex he came up with a hundred and one reasons.

"Pei Zhen." Fu Sichen's eyes were dark and mysterious. His voice was hoarse, and it was hard to suppress the growing desire and tension. "You…"

He had barely issued the threat when the man on the bed made an annoyed sound and asked, "What?"

At that point, a thin film of mucus came trickling down his nostril. It completely destroyed his image.

It was getting even more ridiculous.