This Is for Nourishing the Body

The picture posted by Fu Sichen and the declaration was obviously an attempt at coming out.

The rich housewife fans of both men lamented over it all day, heartbroken. The champion manager Wang Youquan felt that it was time he came to the rescue.

He got in contact with the filming crew and released the news of Pei Zhen and Fu Sichen co-starring in the gay-themed movie, and immediately the move pacified a great number of people.

It naturally got people thinking that it was a publicity strategy for the new film, and once people fixated on that idea, it stuck.

However, when Fu Sichen found out what Wang Youquan had done, he almost ripped Wang Youquan's head off!

"You can forget about this month's bonus."

In the space of a telephone call, Best Actor Fu totally crushed Wang Youquan's heart, and the latter almost burst into tears.

"I… I… I just have Pei Zhen's interest at heart!"