Alcohol Gives Courage and Makes One Lose Control!


Pei Zhen couldn't help but roll his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he discharged the manager, indicating that Xiao Nian should scram as far as he could.

"It will be a long night for Chinese Valentine's Day. Although you're single and that's lonesome and tough, don't worry, Daddy—I'm with you in spirit!"

In the past, every time such torturous festivities came around, Xiao Nian would stick tightly to Pei Zhen and insist that they spent the time together.

That year was an exception.

These days, Xiao Nian focused all his attention on his 'wife' from the online gaming platform and treated Pei Zhen as a pathetic single man who didn't even have a fictitious girlfriend.

It was true that Pei Zhen didn't have a girlfriend, but he had a boyfriend!