I Won’t Let You Be Hurt Again!

The Chinese Valentine's evening was a night of romance and ambiguous affairs, yet Fu Sichen was completely exhausted.

To be dreaming of having become Best Actor, Fu Sichen wondered just how much resentment his young boyfriend had harbored over time.

Fu Sichen was emotionally drained and said, "You didn't get the Best Actor award." His young boyfriend turned sullen and plonked himself down on the bed, kicking up a tantrum.

"Life is meaningless. What's the point of living if I don't become Best Actor? Boo hoo."

Fu Sichen had never seen that side of Pei Zhen. It was very adorable, no doubt, but it also spoiled his plans for the night, which was terribly annoying.

"Fine, fine. You're Best Actor." Fu Sichen's words were careless and half-hearted as he started to remove Pei Zhen's shirt. "Best Actor, we have to go to bed now."