Did the Terms of Breaching of Contract Include Coming out of the Closet?

Whether he was going to leave the entertainment circle, Pei Zhen had no idea.

After all, an artiste that came out of the closet would have ruined his own career path.

Pei Zhen's heart warmed because of the fans who cared and were concerned, but at the same time, he felt apologetic towards them.

Not giving the receptionist a direct answer, Pei Zhen laughed, his eyes twinkling like stars. "So stubborn huh? Sorry."

It was just like that.

It was hard to resist the charming male idol. It was obvious that he was under intense pressure at the moment.

The receptionist shed a few tears. "Pei Pei… I-I wasn't blaming you. I wish you all the happiness—whether you've found yourself a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you're still my favorite Daddy Pei!"