Man and Man, Hand-in-Hand

It was a known fact that Pei Zhen came from a strong family background, but the big boss didn't realize that he had government officials in the family. The moment he heard 'prosecutor's office' and 'research scholar', he quickly apologized for fear of consequences of crossing those people.

"I apologize!" General Manager Liu was on the verge of clutching his face in tears. "I didn't mind my words, and I was uncouth. I'm really sorry!"

"What about Xiao Nian and Miss Chen?" Pei Zhen asked with an icy expression.

"I'm sorry." General Manager Liu had turned pale. "It was just a slip of the tongue."


A slip of the tongue.

If it weren't for the worry that things would be even more difficult for Xiao Nian and Miss Chen in the future, Pei Zhen would have forced a sincere apology out of the man.

He was too egoistic and thought that everyone was such a pushover.