Additional Chapter 3

Zhengda Plaza was near the city center and was a crowded and flourishing location.

Xiao Nian and his wife had arranged to meet at a certain restaurant. However, when Xiao Nian got there, he realized that the restaurant was quite dim.

Probably the result of trying to create a romantic atmosphere.

The amber lighting was mellow and added a touch of beauty to the objects under its glow. Xiao Nian felt it made him look even better.

That was great.

Trying to restrain his excitement, Xiao Nian couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to meet his wife for the first time. He firmly believed that they would have many things in common to talk about.

The wait was sweet torture. At that point of time, Xiao Nian had no mood to look through Weibo; neither did he feel like logging into WeChat. He looked up constantly, yet every time he made eye contact with a female, he'd quickly look down again.


Man up a little more.