Chapter 269 Rumors on the Street

In the commander section, it wrote the words Xiong Kui. Zong Shou's eyes lit up when he saw it, suddenly feeling interested.

This matter couldn't be considered an army of country matter, it couldn't even be considered something of essence.

A middle layer official was reporting a small matter.

"...8 heard that Shili Ling Xiangding is getting more and more prosperous, tax income increase. Gathering many disciples of many sects who are fighting, drinking and using prostitutes in the night, many fighting and innocent harming accidents are occurring. In my eyes, we should control it. If we can add a safety tax to the 300 brothels our city can add in a town of troops."

Fighting, drinking and using prostitutes? Brothel? So this Gantian Mountain City has a red light district? Hehe, 300 brothels, that scale is not bad.

The ancient brothels interested him and he wanted to take a look.