Ash woke up from his sleep, looked around to see himself in a dark space again.
he wondered where he had gone wrong ... "have I died again? that cant be ..."
HELL-o my child , you have died again ....
how in the world did I die??
No response came this time....silence enshrouded the dark place whose dimensions couldn't be evaluated . after a while GOD spoke again.
do you... remember the punishment for dying after reincarnation?
uhhh , wasn't it something like an year or 2 in hell?!
How cocky you have gotten since the last time you were here.
the punishment was a millenia or 1000 years in hell..
after a brief pause he spoke again .
any last words , Adam?
hearing that name got our Ash furious. yet he couldn't lift even a single finger or see himself for that fact .
shut up geezer just send me to hell already
Feisty .. any last words ? asking for the last time.
How in the world did I die? I was out partying with the cash I won from Brock !
you changed your tone pretty quick. Well to answer your question , some grunts from an evil organisation whose underlings you seem to have hurt .
Team Rocket ....? no way I should have been in care of Pikachu and all my other pokémons !
you shouldn't have went out partying with your newly found wealth.
with that Ash or rather Adam found himself in a fiery pit filled with scorching hot stones and fumes .
it hurts ... it hurts ..... it hurts....
a minute there felt like eternity .
Adam was going insane day by day ....
the constant torture never stopped for even a minute
after his first century in hell , God came to see him .
why did I not meet Satan if I was in hell .... you are Satan aren't you ? where is god? - these were the first words spoken by Adam in a century , he looked like he didn't age even a single day since his demise except the fact that his skin seems to have turned into lava itself .
I am god and Satan is me , the two sides of the eternity coin ..
is my punishment over? haven't I already paid for my non existent sins?
Adam Rad - A serial murderer with a knack for anime .. you killed thousands of people in different ways no one could imagine , police was unable to find any evidence of you . finally you slipped up and were caught . You were declared as the worlds number one enemy , your right to be euthanized was taken away . you died a death worse then anyone could ever imagine .
At this time Adam shouted ... shouted louder than he ever had in the fiery pit of death . these memories were much more painful than the place he was currently in
You died by being
shut up .
I am gonna let you go this time . you are gonna be gone forever this time.
Adam's body became ethereal and faded into the oblivion
how do I torture this guy huh?
let's just watch his past , who knows something good might come up .. oh damn that was brutal .
how did he survive after that? no wonder he wanted to go to a peaceful .
How did he die?
some questions are better left unanswered.