What A Show-Off!

John was walking towards the courier service office with a relaxed expression and taking in the surrounding information.

The buildings and shops were pretty much same. But he could see that there were few new shops that sold virtual reality helmets, pills, tailsman, weapons, etc. He also noticed people flying in the air in swords. Their feet were placed on the hilt and blade of the sword as they flew at very high speed.

After walking for about 20 minutes, the public courier service office was already in sight. John walked in and couldn't help but notice the disdain and contempt of some people towards him. John then walked to the reception where a lady of about 20 was standing with a smile. She didn't look as beautiful as Lucy but she could be said to be a beauty.

The moment she noticed John coming towards the reception desk, she frowned.

"What do you want?" ,she asked with a cold voice.

"I have a delivery. Here's the receipt." ,he said in a cold voice while putting the receipt on the desk.

He very well knew why he was getting this treatment. It was all because he was weak. He was 22 years old but he was still in Early Houtian realm. Normally, kids in highschool would be in Early Houtian realm. It was a common thing for kids of age 16-17 to be Early Houtian. Any common person would be at least Late Xiantian when he was at the age of 22 but here he was, a 22-year old guy with the cultivation of Early Houtian.

In the modern cultivation world, mortals weren't disdained on or made fun of but the ones who were made fun of were such cultivators who didn't try their best and lived off of another person. That is the reason John was disdained the moment he entered this office.

John clutched his fists and clenched his teeth while waiting for the receptionist's reply. The receptionist said, "Here."

She just placed a ring on the table. John smiled and picked up the ring. John knew that the courier wasn't supposed to be delivered in a ring. 'This must have been ordered by Lulu. She spent more money than necessary.' ,he thought while putting the ring in his index finger.

The moment he put on the ring he heard a notification that made his smile grow brighter.

[ Ding.. Spatial treasure detected. Would host like to upgrade the system inventory? ]

[ Ding.. Note that the spatial treasure will be then disintegrated and the items inside it will be placed into the upgraded inventory. ]

"Do it." ,he said in his mind.

John had already walked out of the building when the spatial ring on his hand glowed and disintegrated into ashes that fell to the ground.

[ Ding.. Host can now store items which are not bought from the system inside the inventory too. ]

John walked towards his apartment but he stopped midway when he saw a pill store. He remembered something and went inside.

Normally, these pill stores also sold herbs for pill refiners or any other purposes. After all, herbs were also used in making dishes rich in essence energy.

He noticed about ten customers who were all looking at pills showed to them by the helpers around the store. When he went in, a helper came to him and said, "Sir, May I be of some help?"

"Yes. I wish to inquire the prices of a few herbs and pills." ,he said.

The helper frowned a bit as John had said that he needed to inquire prices, not buy those stuff. He still remained polite and said, "What herbs and pills, sir?"

"Saiko herb."

"One whole Saiko herb costs 5 spirit coins."

"Unioko herb."

"8 spirit coins."

"Glishe herb."

"10 spirit coins."

"A batch of basic essence energy replenishment pill."

"300 spirit coins."

"A batch of basic healing pill."

"500 spirit coins."

'I have the saiko herbs from the lottery. But i will need some more. I also need those unioko and glishe herbs.' ,he thought.

He then said, "Prepare fifteen whole Unioko herbs, eight whole Saiko herbs and four whole glishe herbs for me."

The helper guy was speechless when he heard this. He forced a smile and turned to prepare the herbs. 'He was acting all high and asked a lot of prices but only purchased these few herbs. What a show-off!' ,the helper thought while preparing the herbs.

Even though he cursed at the guy in his heart, it was still a customer so he carefully prepared the herb and placed the herbs in different boxes.

Soon, three rectangular wooden boxes were presented. John paid by placing his palm print in the scanner. This was how people paid these days, except the cash. Your palm was your debit card or maybe credit card.

The palm prints were stored in the bank database and people could pay scanning their palm print which was linked to their bank account.

John put the three boxes inside the inventory and stilled out of the shop. Soon, he reached his apartment. He then got changed into his comfortable trousers and wore an older black T-shirt.

John then went towards the attic room. He was in the attic where a light bulb was lit and an empty room with just a chair and table could be seen.

John felt warm in his heart as he thought, 'She must have cleared it up for me.' John then took out the cauldron from his inventory and placed it on the table.

It was a bluish purple cauldron with flower and fire designs on it. 'Looks good, I guess. I will buy the dragon one from the system when I have enough system points.' ,he thought to himself.

'Wait, how do I earn points?' ,he thought.

"System, how do I earn points?" ,he asked in his mind.

[ Ding.. Host can exchange ten spirit coins for one system point. ]

"Damn, that is expensive.", he cursed in his mind. The system didn't respond. John then took out the red rosy fire from the inventory and held it in his hand.

It was a red fire as the name suggested. More specifically, it was a ball of a fire. It didn't burn but John was getting a tingling sensation in his palm while holding it.

'Time to merge with it.' ,John thought as he smiled.