The Accidental introduction

'Sales'. The most important word which is always looked down upon by people. Everyone aspires to become a successful Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist etc. A sales person is looked down upon by everyone else. But the irony is there is no money without a sale. The ultimate goal of every individual who is serious about his or her career is to make money. But they don't feel there is a sale involved in it. For example, a Doctor sells his or her services to the patients, a Lawyer sells his services to clients, a scientist creates a formula so that it is sold to a business man or any benefiting party, an advertising agency sells their idea and helps in selling the products of their clients.. Yet the value of a sales job is always at the bottom.. Why?

These questions were revolving in Tina's head. This was because that idiot Jonathan tried to boast in front of everyone that he is to soon complete his PhD and become a scientist whereas Tina, his lowly cousin would only be a Sales girl. How could he possibly understand her passion towards sales. How Could he possibly understand the adrenaline rush she experienced whenever the sale was completed. He was a complete A** Hole and didn't hold any value in her eyes. But her parents reacted in the same way and she caught them exchanging uncomfortable looks. How tough was the field of sales. Yet she sells renowned products that help in drug testing. Despite of this, her job is insignificant to them .. OMG.. When will they realise how important her job was.

She was deeply immersed in her thoughts while walking, suddenly she tripped and almost fell. He caught her on time, else she would have fallen. As she was held in his hands, she could catch his pleasant fragrance and was surprised to see that he was intently studying her with a slight smile. She blushed as it had been long since she came across someone so good looking.... She adjusted herself, thanked him and steadied herself. He slowly let her out of his hold. He asked 'who made you so angry and upset?' She simply gave a smile and tried to escape, he blocked her way, she raised her eyebrow in question.. 'I just want to punish the idiot who upset you.. How dare he anger such a beauty,,,' she was caught completely off guard.. This stranger.. A very good looking stranger.. Was flirting with her on the first encounter.. She felt he was a big flirt and brushed him off saying that she needed to use the washroom.. However... She didn't know that she would end up meeting him again...