She is truly mesmerizing

Everyone cheered loudly and started getting drunk. Fredrick took initiative and brought a glass of red wine to Tina. She thanked him. Everyone toasted the new boss, cheered for him and started drinking. Tina raised her glass, took in the fragrance of the wine, raised it to her lips, took a sip and rolled the wine in her mouth enjoying the taste. Slowly she completed her drink, her cheeks became flushed and gave her a rosy blush. Fredrick couldn't stop staring at her. He suddenly felt lost. He wanted to enjoy a glass of wine every night with this woman in front of him till he became old. He felt himself immersed in those beautiful thoughts. Suddenly he was pulled out of this riveria as people started dancing. Tasteful music was being played, and everyone was enjoying thoroughly, Fred was about to ask Tina for a dance, when Jason walked over, he nodded to Fred and turned towards Tina, 'my lady, will you do the honour of dancing with me? '

Tina was surprised. She didn't expect this. But she quickly recovered, smiled and said, 'MrJason, you are my boss.. ' he smiled and said, 'call me Jason, everyone does that and please.. we are out celebrating, I am not your boss now.. ' she put her wine glass down and went on to the dance floor.

Fred got annoyed. He saw Tina departing with Jason. He scolded himself for not asking her for a dance earlier. He saw Jason holding Tina's waist and felt like throwing the wine glass down. He was angered. He went to the bar and started getting drunk.

Jason was dancing with Tina, everyone was glancing enviously at him. This made him smile. Tina was dancing gracefully. Her willowy waist, her curvy body, her graceful charm made her too alluring. Jason involuntarily sighed, and he said to himself ,'she is truly mesmerizing'

Fred was getting drunk, his ex boss came and called him, 'don't be an idiot.. drinking Will not bring her to you, be a man and confess your feelings' Fred was shocked, his ex boss said, 'I know you have feelings for her, that is the reason I gave you a chance to pursue her. You being so dumb, you brought her over to Jason.. go and ask her to join you for dinner, I will divert Jason.. ' Fred smiled like a child, got up hugged his ex boss and went over to the dance floor.

He said, 'sorry to interrupt, but I am hungry, can we have dinner? 'at the same time the ex boss came over and said, 'you guys carry on, Jason there are few things I need to discuss with you, let's grab a drink and talk'.. Jason nodded, but before parting away he smiled charmingly at Tina and said, 'my lady it was a pleasure dancing with you, enjoy the party, see you tomorrow'

All the sales people joined and started having dinner. Tina was looking at Fred and sensed his drunken state. When he was about to trip over and fall, she held his hand, Fred looked at her face and said 'thank you my lady, 'imitating Jason very well.. She burst into laughter. She could sense that Fred had a child like innocence though he was a seasoned sales guy.

They went on to have dinner.