Do you accept?

Tina and Fred looked at each other, there was determination in their eyes.. Tina said, 'it's fine.. we will decide when the time comes.. let's enjoy this moment.. we still have time till marriage.. 'Fred said, 'with you by my side... I am pretty confident that I can face anything... thanks for your concern boss.. but this is not something we wish to hide.. ' Jason nodded, he said, 'ok.. I understand that you are very much in love and everything else is secondary.. but achieve your targets and I will have a word with management and see if I can tweak the rules... of course for now nothing changes.. continue as usual.. ' they both nodded and went out..

Though Jason liked Tina, he can't be unrealistic.. he understood that time has come..maybe to give up his hopes on her.. he is not a bad boss.. he always thought to take good care of them..he liked Fred..he is hard working and sincere.. but Jason felt jealous...why did she choose him?..he can't give up completely on Tina.. he wanted to befriend her..he wanted to try his luck..

During lunch time Fred and Tina went out.. they stopped at a Chinese restaurant.. they ordered hakka noodles and started eating.. Fred said, 'well Jason was not making it up.. I read the company policy.. ' Tina said, 'of course.. he won't lie about something so big.. what do you think..' Fred said, 'let's worry about it later... ' Tina nodded, she said, 'anyways I am going out with Jason today evening.. ' Fred looked at her surprised..she said, 'shopping... for his house.. ' Fred said, 'you are still doing it? ' she said, 'why not? he just asked me as a friend.. it's not unreasonable.. ' Fred said, 'really? he has a secretary... why can't she help him.. ' Tina said, 'Fred, are you jealous? ' he said, 'of course I am..' then Tina asked, 'do you trust me.. ' he held her hands and said, 'of course I do.. I am not comfortable with him lurking around you.. ' Tina said, 'Fred, you are acting like a baby.. though I don't go out with him today...still... next week I will be with him in Swiss...what can you do about it... ' he nodded and said, 'ok, ok.. but let me know immediately if he acts weird.. and once you go shopping..share the location.. I will pick you up and drop you home.. ' she couldn't talk him out of it... he was concerned.. she understood.. she agreed..

Tina is an attractive woman, putting a ring on her finger can't stop men liking her.. the perils of dating a beautiful woman are always there..

They finished their lunch and reached office.. Tina has a conference call scheduled with her counter part in Swiss.. once she completed it .. she conducted a brief training to Satya and Rahul.. both of them who were spreading negative rumours against her started respecting her.. the way she Carried and conducted herself in a dignified way and her hard and sincere efforts she put into training them made them see her in a different light.. this was what Jason wanted.. and he achieved it.. he really didn't have any motive in promoting her.. he took that decision purely because he believed in her capabilities..

Post training, Tina went and started writing few emails to the Swiss marketing team.. Fred was also completely occupied.. he went to see Jason and updated him about the sales numbers.. Jason looked at Fred and said, 'you know.. right? ' Fred said, 'know what? ' Jason said, 'you know that I like her... ' Fred didn't expect this.. he said, 'I have my doubts.. ' Jason said, 'no need to doubt me.. I really do like her.. ' Fred said, 'like.. or lust? forgive me... I heard too many rumours about your past.. ' Jason said, 'really.. then you must have heard that I never forced anyone against their will.. it was always mutual and moreover.. some of them threw themselves over me.. ' Fred said fiercely, 'Tina is not like that.. ' Jason said, 'I know and I respect her.. I love her just like you do.. I really wish to marry her.. you wanted to lock her with an engagement ring..' Fred said, 'I don't care for you.. she is mine.. I don't have a need to cast a protective net around her.. she is a free woman.. I respect her.. ' Jason said, 'really? then will you allow her to shop with me? will you allow her to decorate my home? ' Fred said, 'allow? I don't want to control her.. she's not a dog to put a leash on her.. she is free to do whatever she wants..we both are loyal to each other..' Jason said, 'well said.. then I ask you one thing.. ' Fred said, 'what? ' Jason said, 'a small bet..I don't want you to tell her about this conversation..I don't want you to pick her up tonight.. I don't want you to be in touch with her for the time she is in Swiss with me.. if you have confidence in her and your love.. then accept this.. if I don't win her affections during that time.. I will give up on her.. completely.., do you accept..? '