
Tina took the call immediately, 'Hi, I am at Jason's place.. having dinner.. come and pick me up, I will share the location.. ' Fred said, 'no shopping? why did you go there? ' she said, 'I will tell you.. later.. please come.. ' he said, 'ok' and cut the call... Jason said, 'everything alright? ' she nodded and said, 'Fred will come and pick me up.. ' Jason said, 'I could have dropped you.. 'she said, 'no, you need to rest.. ' he shrugged and sat down..

Both of them started having dinner.. they were conversing like old friends.. time flew away.. she got to know that Jason was a soft hearted person.. he was kind and caring.. they finished dinner and Tina helped him to clear everything away..

Tina's phone rang again, it was Fred, she asked him to wait downstairs.. Jason came to see her off.. as they came out of the elevator, Jason said, 'Tina, can I ask you something? ' she said, 'sure, ' he said, 'can we be friends and hangout?.. just as friends.. ' Tina shrugged and said, 'I think we can hangout in Swiss.. we are flying in two days right? ' he smiled and said, 'ok' and walked her to the car..

Fred came out of the car and extended his hand intending to hold Tina, however Jason said, 'wait ' Tina turned around, Jason said, 'friends? ' and extended his hand, she rolled her eyes and shook his hand and said, 'of course! '...

Fred's hand was still in mid air, Tina walked towards him and took Fred's hand.. he looked at her and said, ' are you alright? your eyes are red... did you cry? ' she said, 'I will tell you.. let's go.. ' Jason nodded at Fred, he too nodded back in greeting and helped Tina get into the car.. then he sat in the driver's seat and drove away..

Jason felt jealous of Fred.. he thought..'that idiot doesn't know how lucky he is... Tina deserves better.. she deserves the Best ...and I can give her the best.. '

Fred asked her, 'Friends? you friend zoned him? ' she rolled her eyes, 'why are you so insecure? I agreed to be his friend.. so what of it? he is lonely and he suffered too much.. ' she recounted Sarah's story.. Fred was shocked, he felt sympathy towards Jason, he said, 'it's very bad to see your loved one pass away in front of your eyes.. 'and then he added, 'silly girl, why did you cry? ' she said, 'I don't know.. I was shaken badly.. he loved her so much.. and he lost her.. how bad was that.. ' he nodded and said, 'Tina.. mom and dad went to relatives place, you want to come over? ' she raised one eyebrow and looked at him... he said, 'I won't see you for a week.. just spend an hour with me.. call your parents and inform them that we are going out.. ' she looked at him with a curious expression on her face and said, 'your intentions don't seem to be right Mr. Fredrick.. ' he said, 'how can you say that Mrs Fredrick.. I just want to spend some time with my wife.. ' she giggled and then she called her mom.. she told her that she will come home late and asked her to eat her dinner and sleep.. she said that she was going out with Fred..

They reached Fred's place, he closed the door and walked towards Tina.. his body temperature rose with passion.. he held her waist and drew her near.. he took her lower lip and squeezed it between his fingers.. then he put his hand in her hair and took her lips kissing her.. she too kissed him back passionately.. he rained her with kisses and carried her in his arms.. he put her on his bed and looked at her.. he said, 'do you know how beautiful you are.. ' she smiled and said, 'you tell me.. ' he said, 'I am not good with words but I think my action will speak.. ' she blushed attractively.. and said, 'take me.. ' he said, 'hmmm.. mmm' and bent towards her..

They were so much in love.. but at the moment it was a beautiful war between their bodies.. they twisted, entwined together, competed with each other and became one.. they felt their souls have United.. he said, 'I love you.. ' she kissed him on his forehead and said, 'I love you too.. ' he grinned like a school boy..