Prepping for the trip

Tina went to office the next day, and started working on all the pending objectives, she was thoroughly working on the completion of campaigns for Product launch..once she is in Swiss she would not get time to complete the work.. she was totally occupied ... Fred didn't come to office, he was on field with his team.. Jason too had meetings lined up..

It was almost lunch time, Jason came out of his cabin and saw Tina working.. her hair was falling on her forehead and she was brushing it aside, she was peering at her laptop with total concentration...Rahul and Satya were occupied too..Tina designated some work to them..she was a hard task master...she insisted them to work flawlessly..

Jason was looking at Tina with warmth.. this woman.. the most wonderful woman.. why didn't she belong to him.. he could have given her anything.. anything in fact..

As Jason was about to move towards her desk, Fred came into the office.. he didn't notice Jason and went straight towards Tina.. she too looked at Fred and smiled warmly.. that smile had a rare quality to it.. anyone who looked at her at that moment could clearly understand that she was in love with him.. Fred too smiled at her in the same way.. Jason sighed in his heart.. he felt it was a sin going between them.. but what about him.. what about his heart.. he turned away and walked into his office..

Fred said, 'Tina.. let's go and have lunch.. ' she looked at him and said, 'I have lots of pending work Fred.. I was planning to take a quick bite in the cafeteria.. ' he shook his head and said, 'no.. you need to eat properly.. let's go to the Subway down the lane, we will come back soon.. ' she nodded and shut down her laptop..

Both of them took a short lunch break, Fred said that in the evening they had to go for shopping.. both for her Swiss trip and engagement party.. she nodded.. they came back and became completed engrossed in work once again..

Jason came out of his office, he came towards Tina and asked her to update on the work.. she gave him the inputs required.. he appreciated her for her genuine efforts and left..

Fred finished his work and came to Tina, both left together.. they directly went shopping.. she found the perfect designer Saree (Indian dress) for the would compliment her perfectly.. Fred bought a blazer..

Then they went to shop for her Swiss trip.. she had to leave the next day evening.. she took beautiful business suits, pants and skirts.. she looked ravishing in everything she tried.. as soon as she finished, he dropped her home.. she would be taking a late night flight the next day.. he wanted her to have a good night's sleep this day, both kissed good night and Fred left.. she felt so happy that Fred was so patient throughout the shopping.. he was the best husband that anyone could wish for..