Drinking together

Jason opened the Vintage wine and poured two glasses.. he raised his glass and said, 'to friends! ' she too raised her glass and clinked his glass.. then she slowly raised the glass and took in the smell of the rich wine.. she slowly took a mouthful, rolled it in her mouth enjoying the taste.. she gulped it down, as the wine went down her throat a warm and pleasant feeling started spreading in her body.. she said, 'this tastes awesome.. the best wine I ever tasted.. ' he smiled at her in response and said, 'so, you are a professional wine taster? ' she looked at him and laughed, she said, 'professional wine taster? I don't know much, but I love wine and I always regard it as a ritual while I take the first sip.. it feels like a blessing to drink rich wine.. ' he nodded and said, 'when I saw you for the first time.. I felt something was troubling you. .. ' she looked at him and got lost in her thoughts... then she remembered the first time she saw him.. it was at a party hosted by her idiotic cousin.. her eyes flashed with recognition and she smiled, she said, 'yes.. I was being told by everyone that day that sales is not a profession and sales is something unimportant.. ' Jason said, 'oh.. is that so? ' she said, 'mmhmm.. my cousin, Jonathan is a big idiot.. he berated me that day, he completed his Phd and achieved Doctorate, he thinks that he has done something remarkable and he shattered the previous records of scientists.. ' he looked at her and said, 'oh.. is that so.. what was his paper? ' she looked at him and said, 'no idea.. ' Jason said, 'what's his full name? ' she said, 'Jonathan wood.. ' Jason took out his phone and typed Dr Jonathan Wood, many pages opened in the search windows.. he went to one page and opened it, there was a picture of a person, Jason turned his phone and asked Tina, 'is this your cousin? ' she looked at the pic and said, 'yes, he is the one.. ' Jason read the article and started laughing.. she looked at him and said, 'why are you laughing? ' he caught his stomach and laughed harder.. Tina looked at him and said, 'Jason.. why are you laughing so hard ? ' Jason gave her his phone Tina quickly started reading the article, she too laughed hard.. his research was, ' what are the thoughts humans have when they excrete.. ' there was a detailed survey which he has carried out, he firstly divided people into two groups and there was a questionare which he circulated first, he got few answers,later it was the same questionare which he gave and asked the people to fill in when they were excreting..many people trolled him for his paper, it was so funny, one of the comments read, 'yet another researcher who feels he did an earth shattering study..yet it is nothing but sh*t ' another comment read,'I wonder if this topic came to his mind while he was excreting..' Tina laughed so hard that there were tears in her eyes.. Jason said, 'see, this is what he did.. you are on a level where he can never reach.. be proud of yourself.. '