Racism is not acceptable

Tina was very angry, she looked as if she could breathe fire.. her eyes were fierce.. Jason was however not in the mood to notice this, he felt too angry.. he didn't expect his Swiss colleagues would insult them like that.. he didn't pay heed to Jessica's advice and took out his phone.. he punched the phone number of his boss and waited for him to answer, Jessica was trying to calm them down, she didn't know that these two people would be so decisive..

Jason's boss answered the call, he quickly recounted what happened.. his boss was at his wits' end.. this was unacceptable, he escalated the matter to the HR Global head who sits in USA and Jessica's phone rang in five minutes..it was her boss..from the looks of it, she got an earful of scolding, her face turned red with humiliation.. the Swiss HR head was immediately called and scolded for not taking action and for letting all this happen right under his nose for such a long time... the whole office team was on their toes.. the Swiss HR head called for an immediate meeting for Swiss employees,including the housekeeping staff... every local team member was present.. they were given ultimatum that starting from that moment, whoever encourages or continues to practice racism would be immediately fired from the company without giving any notice, many non whites who were silently enduring this treatment in the office welcomed this..

Many people went out and thanked Tina and Jason for bringing this to the notice of higher authorities, many of the non white people working in the Swiss office were holding small positions and didn't dare to act in fear of loss of employment..

Soon an email floated to all the employees across the globe stating that HR head has taken action on people of Swiss office for practising racism, there was a thank you note in the email for Tina and Jason for acting as whistle blowers.. (a person who informs on a person or organization regarded as engaging in an unlawful or immoral activity.)

All the white people under Jessica's supervision went and apologised to Tina and Jason for their behavior, Tina said, 'you must all apologize for the non whites who were enduring your ill treatment for so long..' they felt ashamed of themselves.. taking verbal abuse for one day felt so disturbing for them, they realised how all non white people in the office felt through all these years because of racial discrimination..

It was unacceptable..