Jason looked at Tina..he said, ' I need to show you something before I tell you..' he put his hand into his trouser pocket and pulled out his wallet..he opened it, removed a picture, he looked at it, took a deep breath and gave it to her.. she looked at it and gasped..the girl in the picture had an uncanny resemblance to Tina.. except for the eyes..Tina had honey coloured eyes, while this girl had grey eyes..she looked at Jason and said,'Sarah?' he nodded.. he said, ' I was shocked the first time I met you . . you were about to fall and I caught you..my heart stopped as I looked at your features.. I could never forget my Sarah ... I couldn't forget you.. when I saw you again in your ex-boss send off, I felt it was destiny... once God took away my Sarah from me..now I thought in your form, he gave her back to me..I wanted to be with you..as I spent time with you, I realized that you are a sweet and honest person, slowly I started falling for you.., I wanted to propose to you...but .. you and Fred...' ..he said and stopped..his eyes became red and his hands were shaking..he never told this to anyone.. this was a secret he held to himself..Tina and Sarah looked like Twins..Tina was shocked..she didn't except this to happen..she could understand that Jason had something for her..but she never knew that it would be this deep..she thought he was just a flirt..but no..he was just a heartbroken man who was looking for his lost love..he found her, but again she couldn't belong to him..
Tears rolled out of Tina's eyes.. she said, 'I am really sorry Jason..me and Fred..' he waved a hand as if to dismiss her excuse and said, ' this is my problem.. please don't worry..I promise that I will never bring this topic again.. ' he looked at his surroundings and said, ' ok, it's late.. let's go back to the hotel..we are reaching the river bank..'