Pretty Woman recreated

She wore the necklace around her neck and said, ' you know what this reminds me of?' he looked at her with a doubtful expression..she said,'Pretty woman..' he said , ' you are a pretty woman..' he didn't understand..she said, ' Pretty Woman movie ..Julia Roberts..' Jason took some time to remember and said, 'Tina. .. there's no chopper waiting for us..' seriously..she looked at him and laughed..,' you watched Pretty Woman..many guys don't..they consider it to be a chick flick..' he said, ' that's one of my secrets.. sometimes I enjoy chick flicks..' and he winked at her..

Both walked out..she was looking gorgeous in her dress.and the necklace added the right glamour to her look...there was a Rolls Royce car waiting for them..she gasped and ran towards it like a little girl and said, ' is this our ride?' he said, ' oh yes it is..are you happy?' she said,' I can't split the bill for this..' he laughed and said, ' don't worry.. I got it covered..'

He said,' Tina..we are going to watch Opera..' she looked at him and said, ' ok..but I have never been to one..' he said, 'don't you think it's Pretty Woman all over again.. except for the chopper..' she laughed and said,' yes and I am not a hooker..' and giggled..he looked at her in anger and said, ' why did you use that word..' she looked at him and said, ' I was just being funny.. Don't sense of humour is not so great..'. he said, ' it's bad.. don't talk about yourself like that.. you are an incredible woman..' and they drove off..

Tina liked it when Jason scolded her..he respected her and valued her..he didn't even let her scold herself..she too respected and liked him..but her love was Fred.. again he resurfaced in her thoughts..

They went to the Opera and got premium seats..many men looked at Tina...she was looking very nice..women looked at Tina enviously..her necklace was a premium one..and the man beside her....Jason..was a pretty good catch.. they felt..she immensely enjoyed the show..then they came out and rode off.. Jason took her to a beautiful garden restaurant where there was a table laid with fairy lights and was a beautiful place .he said, ' you need to pay for dinner and it's not very costly..' she laughed and said,'ok' they sat and ate a meal made of fresh cheese .. mushrooms .. cherry tomato and basil salad..bread.. and blueberry was cooked specially by a farmer and his family with all the organic products from his farm ...then there was flavoured yoghurt for dessert which Tina loved..

Jason said, ' tonight is going to be our last night together..' she looked at him and said, ' thank you for a memorable trip..'