I did what I did

Jason and Fred stepped inside. She was very angry, she looked at Jason and said,'you wanted to explain something..' he looked at her, his eyes were sincere, he said,' Tina, I really love you.. I confessed everything openly to you the other night ..' Fred gasped and said,'what? you didn't tell me..' she looked at him and said,'don't try to blame me.. after him it's your turn to explain..' he shook his head..

Jason continued..'Tina , after Sarah , I didn't let anyone come close to my heart..' Fred said,' but it was ok for them to come to his bed..' Jason glared at him..Tina said,'stop acting like kids.. Jason, you told me all this.. I need not know from the beginning..why the f**k did you think that you could place a bet on my head..' Jason lifted his hands in defence and said,'Tina, I was not in my right state of mind.. I was completely feeling lost..that was my last attempt to try to win your affections.. I hoped that Fred would accept my bet and play along because of his pride..but he didn't..I was taking a risk.. I knew that he could easily come and tell you what happened between us..but he acted like a gentleman and didn't talk about the stupid suggestion I made..he was being a much bigger person.. but still I didn't give up.... I was trying to hold on to my feelings and trying to convince myself that I had a chance with you till you walk down the aisle..I know it all seems farfetched..but who knows I might not love another person again in my life..' he paused and took a breath, he said,' now I apologise for my behaviour.. please.. excuse me.. from now onwards I would do nothing of that sort.. I want to remain in your good books always.. and now I am leaving to the airport.. and Fred .. I know I acted like a jerk..but it doesn't mean that you can cross me and come out of country whenever you feel like..you are the head of sales vertical of India...so the maximum I can give you both is a weekend together.. I will see you both in Delhi.. office.. on coming Tuesday..' Fred looked angry, but he nodded.. Tina said,' Jason.. I understand your pain, but I need some time to think about all this.. I can't be close to you..' he looked at her and sighed and said,'Tina, you very well know that I go back to an empty house..it's not a home.. I wish you both all the best for your future sincerely.. I know I have overstepped..but I will be careful from now.. regarding my feelings.. I am a free man.. I can feel whatever my heart wants.. you can't stop me.. and Fred.. you are a very lucky man.. I hope you cherish her..' Fred nodded and held Tina's hand..she jerked her hand out and hissed..'we are not done yet!' clenching her teeth..

Jason laughed out loud and said,'ok I will leave you both alone now....if you continue to fight and if the marriage is off..let me know ..' he said, winking at Tina and smiling good naturedly at Fred..he turned around and walked away saying, ' see you soon guys..'