Please...not him..

The beautiful day ended with a nice team get together. The clients left and the team celebrated the grand success of the events.

Everyone had only one name on their lips...Tina! The event was a great hit. Congratulatory messages kept pouring in. Tina was glowing. Fred looked very proud. He had a smug expression on his face and was flashing his infectious school boy smile.

He sent a private message to Tina saying that he will take her to a private place to continue the 'celebrations!' reading that message, Tina had a shy expression on her face..

Jason was looking at Tina and sighed..some things are not meant to happen..he thought to himself and convinced himself that she was happy with Fred and that is more important..

Slowly people started leaving..only Tina, Fred and Jason were left. Jason said good bye to them and left.

Fred came to Tina and said, 'let's go!' and put his hand around her waist. She flashed him a smile and said, ' where are we headed?' he winked his eye and said, ' you will see !' she said, ' what's on your mind?' he said, ' something Romantic me..'

Tina called up her parents and asked them not to wait for her , they got into car and Fred started driving ..he said, ' you will be thrilled..its a really special place!' she smiled at him..she thought to herself..' how lucky I am to have him in my life!' they kept moving..they crossed the city limits and entered outskirts of Delhi..

They kept going..Tina didn't know where they were going..she was waiting for the surprise he promised..

Suddenly there was a blinding light, Fred cried ' noooooo!' and threw himself on Tina..she didn't know what happened..she kept yelling Fred's name! there was a loud banging noise and a huge crash..she had blinding pain shooting through her body..

Fred moved from her...and groaned...Tina got up and looked...she was not able to understand what happened..around her pieces of glass and metal were was crashed.she was unable to move..her head was hurting..she looked at her hands.. there was blood..she dragged herself towards Fred and looked at his face..his body was twitching..he was lying in a pool of blood..he was having a seizure..his face was distorted..she kept crying, ' Fred..Fred..Oh God..Fred.!'.she called ambulance and said, ' accident! urgent! help! ' the person on other end asked, ' location?' she didn't know the location..people started gathering around..Tina yelled 'location..please!' someone said, ' 50 km from Delhi..west' she looked at the person who talked and gave him the phone..he understood her and took her phone and started giving the address to ambulance..she looked at Fred and said, ' Fred..please! she looked at the sky and prayed..please not Fred! take me away..please not him!' and she fainted!!