My Mind's Twisted

It was a mid summer afternoon. The vicinity around my home was very hot without rain for few days. I could see the oak tree beside my home wilting. Before it used to be lively with its lush green leaves. I was boiling with the hot weather. Even the fan was useless.

The message I got the previous day really disturbed my usual way of living style. I oft found myself lost and staring at nowhere. I was mentally ill and even couldn't take the lunch that I used to have. The quantity of food I intake was reduced drastically and even my papilae registered the taste of the curry tasteless.

"Son! What happened? You're nowadays exhibiting your way of living differently. What happened, hunh?" My mom asked gazing directly onto my eyes.

"Mom....let me be honest! These days I am experiencing different stuffs which I didn't before. Firstly, one girl is dying for me and I don't know what to do. Secondly, I have seen my father death in my dreams! I am unable to assure myself. It keeps on haunting me." I finally split the bean on my mother's lap.

"Haha....don't worry. It's just a dream. You need not have to take it seriously. And then did you contact the girl you're referring to?" Mom assured me with a smile on her face where I laid my head on her lap and she massaged my head to ease me.

"No....I haven't. I don't wanted to be by her side!'' I replied raising my head atop and adjusting my jacket.

''You better do!''She chuckled. I couldn't utter anything as she left the room.


It was a Sixth Born Day celebration of my darling niece, Pema Lhazin. Everyone was called to attend the celebration which was held in our home. It was about 12 o'clock morning that I couldn't resist from sleeping.

I was deeply fallen asleep with the exception of supper due to tiredness and directly woke up early in the dawn due to the flock of cocks alarming the onset of new and renewed day.

"It's five o'clock son. Wake up! Your sister and brother-in-law are waiting for you!" I heard my ma saying to me.

"Why? I'm exhausted. Please, don't faze me! Am still sleepy." I replied idly and yawning momentarily.

"No. need to go Thimphu along with your sister. Get exposed to the City Life, my son!" My mamma propelled and took out the blanket that enveloped and aid me to warm. I felt ever so chilly and pilometer reflexes all over my slimy body as vicious winter has never succumbed.

With creaking and full of sleep still in my drowsy eyes, I woke up and did necessary cleaning. A small light-weight portion of eyelid is more than enough to enclose the world into unconsciousness, such a powerful agent! I could sense my joints and effectors paining due to the proleptical born day party.

"Bro, be fast- we're consuming more time!" Proposed my charming sister.

"" Requested my cute and gorgeous little niece who is ever so innocent to think yet!

"OK....niece! Your uncle will do fast, you need not have to worry." I replied in a childish tone to impress her.

Ama brought us warm coffee and I drank enjoying every sip of it that helped my slender body to be warm.

By then, it was 10 past 6 and we're to accelerate to the bus depot at Gelephu

as 7:30 a.m. was the departing time. We, four of us, bid adieu our parents and left for Thimphu, a mere city of Bhutan.

We're breathless and apparently death due to deficient air and felt like taking ton of airs by the time when we reached the terminal. The day was misty with little shower.

All the passengers were already huddled inside the bus due to cold-I guess as Gelephu is cold in the morning and evening and very hot in the noon. I too was feeling the akin coldness all over my goose-fleshed body.

A Bumpa Transport Bus was already started to warm the engine. We, without much delay and ado, unloaded our luggage and then loaded them on the hood of the bus. An aromatic scent scattered in every nook of the bus from the garments of the gorgeous girls.

I could see different types of people, some preparing mouthful of 'doma' to adorn their dingy mouths to resist themselves from the heart-trembling cold and smilingly showing their red filthy mouths.

At precisely 7:30 a.m., the door of the bus shut and it roared to life through the hobbly road altering the inertia of rest. The atmosphere wasn't so guestfriendly as when the journey commenced. A bulk of mist and fog lying on the superficial of the earth obstructed the vision and sight of the bountiful landscape of the nature plus gave the pleasure of trembling effect, especially people like me with infinitely poor physical resistance.

When we arrived on the cross-section of the expressway between Damphu and Gelephu at Riserboo, a county of Tsirang, a squad of traffics stopped us. I could see the driver, a young lad, quivering with fear as the bus was surpassed with passengers beyond its holding capacity.

"Hey! Why are you carrying more passengers than what is allowed! Are you going against the traffic statutes? " A middle-aged traffic roared.

"Uh...Sir, no.....three of them are assistants." He replied scratching his head with shiver in his voice. I could see his face altering pale and three of them, handsome modernized boys, tracing 'ghos' in vain.

They're by all means his friends. When the traffic entered the bus, I could see everyone trembling as if earthquake has struck. I marvelled why they are getting cold feet?

"How come three of them? I will seize your license. Go!"He growled.

Without uttering a single word, he rode the bus. We, by then only, received warmth of the Sun when we reached to Damphu Town, only town of Tsirang and still developing. Bus stopped for the exit and entry of the passengers as few of the passengers were townish of Damphu whereas few of the passengers from Gelephu dismounted there.

With five-minute interval, we resumed our journey. Sister brought us crackers from the adjacent grocery but I didn't feel like taking. So, I gave it to my darling niece who received it delightfully.

After countless combats with my twisting and churning belly, finally we reached what is popularly known as 'Wakley Taar' alias 'Mithun Taar' near border area between Tsirang and Wangdue Phodrang, adjacent to the suspension bridge.

I was weary and exhausted by the prolong journey and the fancy of fried chicken made me salivate profusely. 200 km to travel is out of the question!

"Thirty minutes for lunch!" Yelled the driver. All the customers cleared off; some for sun-bathing , some lavatory and some for the brunch. I, along with sister's family, too made off to ' Wakley Taar Hotel'.

I was fully satisfied by the delicious food the timid maid served us, probably due to her sexy look! After sometime, we could hear the horn of the bus and rushed ourselves to our own respective seats. I was suffocating the hot weather of that region.

Driver was bit anxious that if we reach Punatsangchhu Hydropower Project(PHPA) by twelve, we have to wait for an extended time. So, he accelerated the bus up to his might as a veteran driver.

At Lobesa, Punakha, a glamorous lass about nineteen of age--same as mine--entered the bus. Gosh! I have never set my eyes on her. Her aromatic smell from her garments was enough to whet the veracity of the men, let me not only judge them but mine too!

I kept on staring her with my mouth gasping. She sat just next to me with a seductive smile on her angelic face as I was in seat number two, there was one small accessory seat fastened with it.

"Can I attach with you, it's too small to hold me?" She requested shyly which was enough to seduced me.

"Of course! " I offered instinctively and unwittingly.

I, either due to her flaunt or what, deeply felt uncomfortable. The more I looked at her, the more horny I became. The pink heavy jacket with black tight jeans pant and muffler around her neck ideally suited her snowy complexion.

Moreover, rhythmic falling of fringes over her conspicuous face and the rauncgy figure made me wonder-struck. I was hallucinating(mere fancying) in mine paradise holding her firm under my sweat arms! I shook my head not to let my mind wander elsewhere.

I don't know why every man falls to be the victim of any sexy girls? It might be the man's natural instinct. She on and off looked at me with her deep eyes that resembled those of Lhasang's. I controlled myself not to fall for her.

Every creature falls in love with the right time. It was nice to meet her who have for a day twisted my mind. Finally, we're at my sister's personage at Mutigthang.