GOD: My child you will be reborn in a new world

Saitama: OK

"Don't you have any questions to ask my child?" god said.

"Nope" he replied.

"Ok I'll send you to this new world with your existing powers and with a special gift of perverted feelings in you" god added again.

"Ok" said saitama and just as he said that everything around him turned black and when he opened his eyes again he was laying on a ground and his body covered with bruises and he felt intense pain all over his body.

Actually he was in a body of a boy of an age about 14 years and the boy is just beaten to the death by his cousins on one of the practice grounds in the academy.

Feeling the pain and witnessing that he had hairs on his head he felt super joyful but his happy little life did not last for long and his hairs began to fall down and all the pain and bruises on his body also started to go away and with all of this the memories of previous owner of his body struck his brain but he felt no pain in his head.

Name of the previous owner of his body is also same as him which is saitama, he is a son of a concubine of clan leader of rin clan, he came to the divine academy about a month ago to study the martial arts, but due to his super low talent in martial arts cultivation he is still a level one martial artist while all his cousins had reached level five and also due to this he always got beaten by his cousins and today they even took his life.

It was already the night time and after standing up from the ground and patting the dust away from his teared clothes he started moving towards his dorm and after some time he was in front of a old 3 story building, actually this old building is his dorm and is the lowest grade hostel in the whole divine academy, only poor aspirants live here.


After a little sigh due to the horrible condition of his room he bathed and changed his clothes and after the dinner he went towards the power checking stone, actually it is a stone of a size of a person and when someone punch it, it shows the power of the person who punched the stone and this stone can hold up to five million kilograms of power.

He is here In the night time because he want to check if the god had given him his previous power or not and also want to check what power god had given him additionally.

He checked his surroundings to confirm that no one is watching him and after confirming he lifted his right hand a little and punched the stone while holding back his power.

And "boom!" Numbers started to go up on the stone and just in some milliseconds it went to the 5 million kilograms and after that it started to shatter down in powder like pieces.

Seeing that the stone had turned into powder he sighed a little and to avoid any commotion he instantly disappeared in the thin air, running as fast as he can towards his room.