Azul Town

Checking into the first inn Tria and Mexi encountered, the ladies decided to go straight to sleep.

The next morning, the many things they did not pay attention to since it was nighttime, were now clear. This town was called Azul, and it figured, because everything was blue, it was quite beautiful, Tria had asked some kids why it was all blue, and she learned that it was from long ago.

An old man and his family decided to settle here and had called the town Azul. They found this place quiet, reserved, and it did not attract much attention, just like the color blue, hence this magnificence; colorful blue town surrounded by green trees.

"How long ago was that?" asked Tria, she was surrounded by over six children

"I don't know, mommy said a long time ago."

"My dada said it was only a few years ago, I know he's right, he said he came with them,"

"My mommy said a long time ago"

"No, my dada said~~~

The children started arguing between themselves, and so Tria awkwardly walked away from them. She and Mexi had to continue their journey.

"Little ladies, here have some candy, so you can sweeten your hearts on your travel", said an older lady.

"It's such a shame you are already leaving, we barely get any visitors," said another older lady, looking really down.

All the townspeople were nice and welcoming, but Tria had to continue on her journey, so she and Mexi left after having their breakfast.

"That was a great town, so many nice people," said Mexi as she chewed on some hard candy made from the townspeople.

"Yeah, it's a pity their hearts were darker than charcoal."

"Huh, why do you say that"

"That hard candy you are chewing on is poison, but before you freak out, it has no effects on saint level cultivators"


"Why would they give me poison, I didn't even do anything wrong to them," she said as she spat out the candy, feeling wronged she continued "they seemed nice too."

"Ask yourself, why were those bastards' den so close to that town, they are so secluded into the forest but judging from their behavior, they did not seem to be scared of them or any thieves for that matter. Blue also means detachment, the emotions they displayed were not real; just too welcoming." she shuddered, "the way I saw it, that town was no different from a cult."

"Waaa, senior sister, you are so wise, but what's a cult?"

"A cult is a group of people whose belief is directed either at someone or something. I do not know what their thing is, but since they are not moving against us, we will not move against them either." She said as she sensed the uneasy movements in the bushes on the side of the road.

The people who were waiting for them felt the pressure exerted by the girls and renounced any ideas they had, their lives were more important.

Tria and Mexi have been on the road for only three days, and they have only met with maniacs. They still have about three more days before they make it to the border, and cross into the Earth Land.

For the past weeks, although Tria has not gone back into the golden temple, she has not been slacking in her cultivation either, but she had been stuck in a bottleneck. Her powers had stagnated at the middle saint level, and no matter how much energy she absorbed, her spirit did not burst.

'I need to get stronger, only with strength can I stop hiding, my abilities.' Tria thought as she looked at the scenery out the window.

As they were getting closer to the Earth Land, although the air was a lot fresher, it was a lot colder.

Along the side of the road were tall colorful trees, which created a dense atmosphere. Tria liked the jungle look of this place, it reminded her of old home, in the other world. She would often go hiking on the weekends, she loved to reach the top, just so she could overlook the tall trees down below, everything was strikingly green, just like the name that place, Evergreen.