Crescent Lake

The following day Tria had left the castle with Crei, God Hoth, and the three protectors. Tria was unsure of what was required of her to open whatever was holding Hoth's memories but she was up for the challenge.

Ono's territory was not too far from the north and it was extremely easy to travel anywhere in the Moon Land because of the infrastructure. There only one major road that went through all the cardinal directions in a circle and met in the center in shape of a star for crossings. Therefore it did not take long before they stepped foot on the East side.

"The Crescent Lake is located behind a mountain facing the ocean, however, there is a road to go around so we can arrive quicker," said Ono, all of them had their own mounts so it was easier to travel and communicate, except for Crei and Tria who felt the need to share one.

"No, we need to go up the mountain, that is the only way to access the entry of the Lake," Hoth said.

"We're going inside the lake?" asked Tria in confusion.

"Yes, we're jumping in," Hoth answered calmly.

'What the heck,' thought Tria, 'not even in my previous life I've gone diving, and now I am about to dive straight into a lake...just great.'

Tria became gloomy after that, and Crei noticed, taking that into account for the next time he was alone with Hoth.

However, when the group reached the top, they were surprised that it was not that high and also, it seemed that they were not the only ones aware of this place's existence and the mysteries behind it.

Below near the Lake were little groups of people setting camp, and some other ones using magic to force their way in. At the middle of the lake, which was dried up, was a creature walking back and forth, lurking at the intruders. It did not move and seemed to simply wait for anyone who would trespass.

The crescent lake was shaped the same way as a crescent moon with the tips facing away from the mountain, like fangs. Fangs that were also noticeable in the creature as well.

"God Hoth, is this thing a friend or a foe, we don't have to fight that thing, do we?" asked Ono.

Beasts were not a common sight in the Lands, as they were untamable there would often be adventurers hunting them down for their fur and fangs. However, fighting them was like suicide as you never knew how strong a beast really was until you attack them.

"No," answered," It's just one of my pets, it's actually pretty cute once you get to know him, it is also the reason why the lake was dried up. It will drink all the water as soon as intruders are shown up to let them know of its existence, however, it doesn't seem like they heeded his warning, dumb fellows."

The group continued watching the people below and the beast swaying from side to side as it watched the intruders.

"How are we going to jump since the lake is dried up, and there's a beast in the middle of it?" asked Tria.

"All you have to do is jump, and it should be the same as when you entered my cave," answered Hoth.

" should have said so a long time ago, do you know how much I've been stressing over jumping into a lake?!" Tria fumed at him.

God Hoth was not ready to be scolded, so he was startled at the fact that Tria was upset at him and stressing over jumping.'Have I been too inconsiderate?' he wondered.

Tria shook his head at him, why was he always so aloof about things?

"Also what do you plan on doing about them?" Tria pointed at the people still working on opening the barrier surrounding the lake.

"They can't see us, but the barrier will go down once we are done retrieving my memories."

"Not killing them?" asked Mata.

"No...watching their faces go dark when they that someone else had taken what they have been working to get should be enough for now. Besides they had disturbed my pet's sleep, I'm sure that soon enough, they will all end up in his belly."

The group was about to praise him for his benevolence but were soon reminded that Hoth was anything but benevolent.

"Anyways," Tria started," I just need to jump and it'll open up at the bottom?"

"Yes, except activate your powers and include everyone so we can gain access as well."

"Alright," she answered and did as suggested.

With everyone included in her energy field, Tria jumped down and everyone followed. The beast at the bottom saw its owner was scurrying back and forth happily but moved the side as the group was about to enter the bottom of the lake.

The intruders, which were most likely the Eye, did not notice the six people jumping down and continued to work on the barrier.

"We've been working on this for years, those adventurers are getting paid to just sit there, while we bust our asses on this stupid barrier," grumbled one of the Saint practitioners.

"Nothing to complain about, when it comes the time and they have to fight that monster inside, we'll just sit on the side watching them back.

They laughed in ignorance of their imminent fate and continued looking for weak points on the barrier.