Killing a God (Part 1)

Tria did not wait long before a ripple in place took place bringing forth an enormous pressure over the land.

'He's here!' thought Tria through gritted teeth.

Right in the middle of the sky stood one short little man alone, he had long silky hair, and his features were unknown to what Tria knew if anything he looked...fake.

The hair on his head seemed fake, the shiny color of his skin seemed fake, and even the grandeur he was trying to portray was not real, he was a total wanna-be.

Tria and Chukah stood there looking at the dramatic appearance of the guy, and finally realizing he was being gawked at, the man finally looked down...only to realize that Centria was gone.

"What the hell?! Marga, what have you done?"





"Excuse me, but are you the supposed god, who created the Eye Clan?"

"Supposed God?" annoyed that he was interrupted rudely, the man asked looking down fiercely at Tria.

Remembering why he had come, which was because he received the message that a high priestess has shown up and that his dream of finally ascending had come true, he had rushed over.

He was unaware of the distress message Marga had sent, nor that Crei had already intercepted it so he had never received it.

"Are you the high priestess they have acquired for me, I can faintly feel it, although you haven't activated your powers...So obediently waiting for my presence, Marga has instructed you well," the man said, flying down towards Tria.

As he was about to touch Tria, she dodged him.

"I don't think so, keep your filthy hands away from me."

"My dear, I, Feki, the god of darkness does not get told that my hands are filthy, it should be your honor that I am willing to touch you. Before I deal with your punishment for such impudence, how about you tell me what happened to Centria?"

"God of darkness huh? Did you give yourself that title? it sounds for Centria, your 'people'...they're all dead."

"Hahaha, little girl you have such great sense of humor,"

"Little? haha, little man, you're one to talk...I killed your people, and I demand you tell me what your agenda is, you owe this much to the lives you have taken," Tria said, she had enough of conversing with this person, she could not believe the person in front her was actually close to being a god.

Feki stood there and stared at Tria, realizing that she was not kidding, he dropped all the fake pretenses as his face grew murderous.

"You killed them all?" he asked her as his pressure leaked out again, suffocating even the weeds on the ground withering slowly. However, his pressure did not affect Tria in the slightest.

Pulling out her sword, she said," I'm wondering if you're deaf as well?! For the trillionth time, I killed them all, and I am going to kill you too, only then can I finally breathe in peace without your minions wreaking havoc!"

Feki did not answer her this time, and also pulled out a weapon, a long sword.

"It's not the first time, I have had my people slaughtered, we can rebuild again, I do have to teach you a lesson though, but don't worry I won't let you die yet, after will become my wife."

Finished saying that, he slashed through the air at Tria's face, and Tria blocked it with her kopesh sword's hook.

"Your wife? Even if I wasn't already a married woman, I would never marry a pervert like you!"

Tria spat out the words in anger because she knew that was probably how this guy had lured in the previous priestesses, and she really wanted to strike him and make him feel pain.

While blocking his attack, Tria kicked him in his guts, and with his guard down, she slashed his wrists.

"Argh!" "B*tch!"

"Yeah, you're sounding like one," Tria mocked him.

Feki became angry and humiliated, not understanding why his wounds weren't healing, he continued waving his sword around, hoping to strike Tria, but she was faster than he could imagine.

He had never encountered a priestess who could cultivate and fight as well as Tria, heck he never had to fight anyone period, as long as he used his status as a god and leaked a little pressure, people were down on the knees begging for their lives. His sword was a real sword, but it was there just for show.

Tria did not give him a break, after all that training with Crei, who was extremely good at sword fighting, she was able to keep the upper hand with this guy, as she continuously struck him, slashing him all over his body.

"No! This can't be! I am so close to my goal!" Feki hollered and forcefully cutting down on air, as Tria dodged his sloppy attempts at her.