The Whole Truth (Part 3)

Tria could not believe her ears, Crei was a God? His father was her real enemy? How? She wanted to ask him so many questions but she did not want to alarm him because of how worried he already looked, and her heart broke a little seeing him like that.

"I'll tell you everything," Crei said when he saw Tria's eyes going back and forth wanting to ask questions.

"I long found out what my father's plan was but I only recently realized that for his plan to work, he needed you and your powers...I'm sorry, I didn't know until we reached the Unknown Land when that lady said you were a high Priestess."

"H-Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up a bit...before we dive in further into this, I need to understand something, the ancient priestesses...

"Yes, it was all because of my father back then, except for the more recent ones, it seems that a low priestess would not be able to do what he wants."

"What does he want?" Tria asked him.

"...Your power."


"If he succeeds, you'll die because he'll drain you of your powers, your lifeforce, and energy. Only then will his greed for power will satisfy. Once he learns that you are a high priestess, he'll send forces after you, he might even come himself."

"...!!!" Tria's heart skipped a beat. For the first time since coming to this world, she felt fear, and how minuscule her latest achievements compared to a god who has been alive for millenniums.

But then she thought...

"Husband, remember you said you'd take me to your home once our travels were over," Tria said.

Crei was deep in thought but hearing Tria's word forced a smiled on his face. His wifey was not upset at him for keeping these secrets, calling him husband, and not breaking up with him.

"Hmm, I do."

"We can't wait for your father to come so we should go over there and cultivate to face him, no? Wait by the way, which god is your father? Is he really high level?" Tria asked.

"About that...he's the Ultimate God."

"...!!! What?! Wow, I would have never guessed, if he's so powerful then why does he need more power?" Tria could wrap her finger around it, it was so confusing to her.

"That's because, not many gods know, but there is a higher level than Ultimate God, and that is Supreme God."

At the same time Tria heard the word 'Supreme God', a surge of images flashed through her mind, showing a world of infinite expanse of dark and directionless waters, the energy in her body was almost drained out from that little bit of image.

She gasped heavily as Crei held on to her.

"How are you feeling? What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"I...had a vision..." she said while trying to understand what happened.

"How long did it last?" he asked.

"What do you mean? It only took a couple of sec-" she was shocked to see that it was already day and the sun was setting...again?

"You were out of a full day," Crei said.

"Incredible, all I saw a world of darkness...whatever your father was planning, I have a feeling that we can't let it happen," she said.

"Hm, and it also seems that you got a new power," Crei said.

"Except that it tires me the way husband, before you continue your story, since you're a god, you should have been able to know that woman was a goddess, and that she was your fiancee, no?" Tria squinted her eyes at Crei. She was laying on his lap looking up at him.

"I did, but I knew wifey would take care of it so-argh!"

Tria punched him in the belly.

"So you did know and you just played along?!"

"Hahaha, wifey you must admit that it was fun to see her face when she thought you were a boy and that I was into you!"

"You sly fox, haha, yeah it was pretty amusing to see her face! Come one, it's time to go back already," Tria knew she'd been since the day before, she did not want to worry the others, well not that they were, since they know she was with Crei.

"Wait, I did tell you that I would show you what I am.....wait a little more."