
"Hello!" Jeff had answered Ann's phone, "Hello! whoever this is, you better speak or forever hold your peace." Jeff said it in a crafty voice.

Sophia was at a loss for words, 'Who could this person be? Why is he answering Ann's phone? Is this man Ann's secret boyfriend or something?' She couldn't ask, so she just said.

"Is this Ann's phone?"

"Yes, it is! Can I help you with something?" Jeff had an idea of who was on the other line, and he needed to confirm it, so he said.

"Ms. Sophia, Ann just left. We had a meeting, and she accidentally left her phone in my office. I'm about to take it to her personally. Do you have a message for her?" Jeff waited for confirmation.

"I see. Thank you! for informing me. J-Jeff, I need your help, please, I don't know if you have seen the news or not. But I'm in the hospital right now, Albert has been in an accident, and he's in a dangerous condition." Sophia said sorrowfully with a teardrop about to fall from her eyes.

"No, I have not seen the news. Which Hospital? Yes! I got it, Ok! I will bring Ann with me." Jeff rushed right out to the swimming pool area where Ann, Lea, and Ronald were unwinding by the pool.

As soon as he arrived, he came closer to lean over to Ann, "Sweetheart, we need to go to the hospital, could you come?" Jeff asked without revealing what was going on.

"Jeff, I think it's too early to know…" Ann said blushing "If we are, I don't think we will know right away." She was gleaming as red as a tomato as she spoke sincerely.

"Sweetie, as much as I want to know now if we are pregnant, that's not the reason why we're going there." Jeff said, still urging Ann to get ready.

"Oh! Then why do we need to go? Are you sick or hurt anywhere? If you don't tell me why we need to go I'm not moving an inch from where I'm sitting right now! You'll have to tie and haul me out of here." Ann said playfully to Jeff, away from the inquisitive ears of the two who are trying to eavesdrop.

"If you must know, Albert Tan was in an accident just now. He's currently in surgery and in critical condition. How about I tell you the rest of the details on the way, please?" Jeff begged with his smiling eyes.

"Let me change, and we'll go." Ann got up, then motioned to Lea and Ronald to follow suit.


In the car on the way to the Hospital, Jeff wondered why Sophia insisted on Ann going to the Hospital. If Albert was in critical condition, there must be a reason for Ann needing to be there. What could it be?

All three of them were having the same thoughts concurrently.

"Ann!" Jeff, Lea, and Ronald all called her name at the same time.

"What is your blood type?" Jeff was the first one to ask.

"My blood type? AB(-) Why do you ask? "

"That's it!!!" The three of them said all together. Everyone was thinking the same thing as to why Ann must accompany Jeff to the Hospital. But that's where they were wrong.

Ann was still unknown in Asia. So they all assumed that there should be no issue with her going to the hospital. However, that's where they had made a mistake. As soon as she got out of the car, all the reporters circled her and Jeff. They started bombarding them with question after question.

Jeff and Ronald were pretty quick in protecting Lea & Ann, they ushered them in without batting an eye nor answering any question the reporter asked. Once they made it inside, everything went smoothly.

Sophia sent her Manager Edna to wait for them at the lobby, "This way, please! Mrs. Tan is waiting in the VIP room." Edna informed them.

"Excuse me! Do you have any news on Ceo Tan's situation?" Ann asked nonchalantly as if she was asking about the weather today.

"To tell you the truth, Miss. Ann, he's in a critical condition right now. We only have a short amount of time to find a blood donor, or else he may not make it by tomorrow." Edna told her while looking at everyone, hoping one can be a donor. But Edna didn't know about the requirements to become a donor.

Sophia was thrilled but hesitant when she saw Ann. She didn't know what to do or say without looking suspicious to all the prying eyes. In order not to be obvious, she greeted Jeff first, then Ann.

On the other hand, Claudia saw Jeff and thought that he was there for her as his fiancee. She got up, rushed to Jeff as she embraced him, and started crying.

"Jeff, my dad... what am I going to do? Even though I'm his only biological daughter, yet I cannot be of much help. Our blood types don't match. What are we going to do if we cannot find a donor?" Claudia cried out loud while still holding on to Jeff. 

"What's going to happen to my dad?" Claudia was trying to gain his pity while ensuring that everyone heard the part when she said about being the only biological daughter.

Ann was not so cold-hearted. Even though she had hatred towards her mother, as a person, she cannot ignore that Sophia right now was in pain and in need of comfort, mother or not.

"Mrs. Tan, I'm sorry about what happened to Mr. Tan. If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask." Ann talked to Sophia as if she was talking to a stranger and was just trying to be kind.

"Everyone! Can you all give me a couple of minutes alone with Ms. Ann? Including you Claudia. There's something I need to talk to her about in private." Sophia said out loud and fiercely so that no one could refuse her.

Everyone left, including Claudia, who was still clinging to Jeff who was totally annoyed and about ready to push her away if not for other people around.

Sophia was ready to grovel if needed, she would do anything if it meant it would save her husband. She grabbed Ann's hand, with tears flowing down from her eyes.

She looked at her then said, "Ann, please help..." Sophia couldn't continue and started shaking and crying harder. She couldn't finish what she was trying to say. Her emotions just erupted like Mount Pinatubo, [A Volcano in the Philippines] lava of tears started flowing.

Ann felt as if her heart would break into pieces. She couldn't hold out any longer. She hugged Sophia and comforted her.

"Yes! I will help. I think I know the reason why I'm here." Ann said, also crying.

"You know?" Now, it was Sophia's turn to be astonished by Ann's words.